Dataverse Search vs. Paribus 365™

Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search versus Paribus 365™

This article looks in detail at Microsoft Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search (formerly called Relevance Search) and compares the standard Dynamics 365 Search capabilities with Paribus 365™ Intelligent Search functionality.

Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search Capabilities

Dataverse Search vs. Paribus 365

Global Search

Dataverse Search: Yes
Paribus 365™: No 

Global search is powered by either Category Search or Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search (formerly called Relevance Search).  It is currently not possible to replace either the standard Dynamics 365 search options with a "custom" search operation.

Accessible throughout the application

Dataverse Search: Single Point of Entry
Paribus 365™: Configurable 

Dataverse Search is by default accessible from the main menu bar at the top of the application, however, there is no context applied to the search

Paribus 365™ can be easily configured to be accessible within an area of the application as required AND the searches carried out at that point will have the context required. For example, when searching for an Account, the search will be done in that context – able to bring back Account and Lead records where the account ID matches.

Fuzzy "Search"

Dataverse Search: Limited
Paribus 365™: Very Powerful

Dataverse Search uses the Azure text search engine. This can be seen in the fact that the default Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search will return any indexed entity records containing the text term(s) used in the search. There is some string tidy-up. For example, it will find IBM and I.B.M but not much more. It is also limited on variations of spelling, like Häagan-Dazs versus Hagen Das.

Paribus 365™ has been built on a data matching engine, which has then been applied to search, lookup, and duplicate detection functions. It uses a number of data type-specific algorithms to match data, more details on the Paribus 365™ Data Matching capabilities are available here.

Find out more about What is Fuzzy Matching? in this article.

Search Refinement

Dataverse Search: Additional elements increase the number of records returned
Paribus 365™: Additional elements reduce the number of records returned

When adding data elements to a search, for example, SMITH + ACME Ltd, Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search will increase the number of results returned. Including those with just Smith and ACME Ltd. This means the user has MORE data to sift through to find the record required.

Paribus 365™ will return a REFINED list of results only where the data elements (including their combined fuzzy equivalents) exist. Making it easier for a user to identify the required record.

Context Focus

Dataverse Search: No
Paribus 365™:

Dataverse Search returns ALL entity record types where it finds the search string text. It is possible to configure the indexed entity types but by default, all entities are enabled.

Paribus 365™ by default is looking for People or Organizations, therefore only looks at Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and associated addresses. It is possible to include other entities or custom entities that may contain People or Organizations, for example, a custom entity containing Doctors.

Enhanced Lookup

Dataverse Search: No
Paribus 365™:

Dataverse Search is only available as a Global Search option from the top menu bar.

Paribus 365™ can be easily configured to be added to ANY form where the requirement is to associate a Person or Organization to a record. This includes standard entities such as Cases, where the Customer field can be either a Person (Contact) or an Organization (Account). Multiple Paribus 365 Lookups can be added to a form providing a significant usability enhancement for this functional requirement with the additional benefit of the inherent Fuzzy search.

Find out more about Paribus 365™ Smart Entity Lookup capabilities here.

Lead Matching

Dataverse Search: Limited to Leads only
Paribus 365™:

Dataverse Search is only available as a Global Search option from the top menu bar and while it can find Leads, it cannot show users matching Contacts or Accounts for a given lead.

Paribus 365™ enables a user on the opening of a Lead record to immediately be aware of any similar Person or Organization that already exists in the system. For example, there are pre-existing Leads, Accounts, and Contacts. Therefore, the user can make a far better assessment of the qualification of the Lead knowing and being able to easily review these existing records.

Paribus 365™
easily enables a user to associate a new Lead with a pre-existing Account and/or Contact.;

Find out more about Paribus 365™ Advanced Lead Management capabilities here.

Result Configuration

Dataverse Search: No
Paribus 365™:

The format and layout of the results returned by Dynamics 365 Dataverse Search are fixed.

The results returned by Paribus 365™ are available in either a “Card View” or within a “Grid View”. The data elements displayed with the results can be customized to suit the customer’s requirements, note custom fields can be included.

Duplicate Detection

Dataverse Search: No
Paribus 365™: Yes

Dataverse Search plays no part in the duplicate detection process. Standard duplicate detection is based on a very simple data matching process, i.e. Contains, Equal to, etc.

Paribus 365™ is embedded in the Add Account/Contact/Lead process (not Quick Create). Again, providing a fuzzy search-based, enhanced user experience to identify existing records, during the add process but with minimal data entry required to check for existing records.

Find out more about Paribus 365™ Duplicate Detection and Merge capabilities here.

Customizable Actions

Dataverse Search: No
Paribus 365™:

Paribus 365™ is installed with a pre-defined action that can be taken at the point of identifying a record from a search or lookup. These include Review, Go To, Associate, and Merge. However, it is possible to add customized actions, for example, an action called LinkedIn – where a user may wish to call out to LinkedIn and view matching LinkedIn results. Custom code can be added to Paribu 365™ as required.

Secure Data

Dataverse Search: Yes
Paribus 365™:

Dataverse Search being inherently based on Azure search means it has all the data security provided by this service. However, all the data being indexed is held within the Azure search service.

Paribus 365™ runs as a service with Azure, it has a similar level of core security, however, various additional steps have been taken to provide security of the data including certified HTTPS data transmission, multiple levels of encryption within the service, and associated data storage.

The Paribus 365™ service running in Azure requires only Accounts/Contacts/Leads/Addresses and within these entities, only the data attributes are required for the matching/display purposes.

Find out more about all of the Paribus 365™ Intelligent Search capabilities here.

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