Export a definition set

Summary: This  articles takes you through the steps to export a definition set.
Article Type: How-To Guide, Technical Article
Related Product(s): This article relates to the following products:

  • Paribus Discovery
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Dynamics CRM
  • Infor CRM / Saleslogix

How to export a definition set

To export definition sets that can be imported into a new Paribus Control database use the keys in combination:


After a few seconds the “Export Definitions” pane appears

Export a Definition set

Click on the box to left hand side of all items to be exported.

Use the ellipse button to open up an explorer window.

Custom fields - exporting a definition set steps

Navigate to a suitable location and enter a filename.

Custom fields - Exporting a definition set steps

Click on “Save”

Custom fields - exporting a definition set steps

Click on “Export”

This will have generated a file with the extension “.pds” which can be imported into a new Paribus Control database.

 Related Resources:
  • None
Further Information:

See the Paribus Help Center User Guidelines for important considerations of use.