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What are the percentages at the bottom of the results cards?

Summary: What are the percentages at the bottom of the results cards?
Article Type: FAQ
Related Product(s): This article relates to the following products:

  • Paribus Interactive
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM

Quick Answer

The percentages at the bottom of the results cards show how closely the result in question matches the criteria that have been entered into the Paribus Interactive™ search fields.

How do the percentages impact me?

While the percentages you see on the card don’t impact you, what they represent does influence your search experience.

All of the searches using Paribus Interactive show a sliding scale on the right hand side which defaults at 80%. This is basically saying “Only show me matches with greater than 80% similarity to what I’m looking for”. If you would like to, this can be changed to show you only more similar results, or show me less similar results too.

Note: If you set this at 100% then it will find identical matches only and not provide any ‘fuzzy’ search.

 Related Resources:
  • None
Further Information:

See the Paribus Help Center User Guidelines for important considerations of use.